One of my goals as a Christian is to write and draw Modern Christians and hope it finds a huge enough audience that encourages the readers to think and act more like Christ and to think like Him. Though it annoys me when certain Christians who get a lot of attention and have a huge fanbase can support people who say some of the most distasteful and offensive things one can say and push potential Christians away such as what these two famous Christians do here:
To me, any Christian who claims God today uses disasters, either man made or natural to punish hundreds of people appears to have a closed mind, especially to the possiblity that theres a good chance many Christians died in those disasters.
Though when Isreal is presured to give up land by the U.S. government, God gives warnings using natural disasters according to Jack Chick as this tract shows:
I am not sure if I should agree with him on that, it looks debatable and Jack Chick has been known to get his facts wrong on some things.
And not only that, but also that these types of Christians feel they need to force everyone around them to follow their way and pressure the government to listen to their way as if it's for the good of America. The claim that they gotta keep America as a "Christian Nation", which it never really was, nor was intended to be in my opinion. This too, hurts our reputation. I don't really feel it's the Christians job to try to change the laws of America or any country, since thats not what we are called to do.
I feel it's just our job as Christians to spread the good news and to set an example for other Christians to follow, instead of claiming God punishes hundreds of people without a warning and getting involved with worldly politics.
I want to use Modern Christians to help the "fundies" to stop acting like extremists that seem out of character of what Jesus would say and do.
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