Monday, September 19, 2011

Pro$perty Go$pel

My mini-comic that kind of sums up my thoughts on the prosperty gospel.

To me it's unbiblical. The pastors use it to steal your money, by twisting scriptures, taking them out of context, making you feel guilty for being poor/in debt. They also claim you can get rich for "sewing seeds." Taking the parable of the sower completely out of context when Jesus describes it's meaning a few verses afterward.

And then they use people's money to live lavish lifestyles, such as buying expensive designer clothes, mansions, and luxury cars. Private jets even, though I am not completely sure if I disagree with private jets, since I see some advantages in using a private jet to get to crusades and remote areas faster. Why doesn't that money get put to better use? It's not wrong to be rich, but very very suspicious to be living the rich life from tithes and offerings meant to improve/maintence the church, help the poor, and keep the pastors surviving.

Theres many videos on Youtube exposing those famous pastors. And many articles online exposing the prosperty preachers. And for more detailed understanding of what they do and say, read "Christanity In Crisis: 21st Century" by Hank Hanegraaff.

I may do more artwork on that topic in the future, since it's a very serious issue to me.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Kill For God?

"Kill for God?" is my anti-war drawing, a message to my Christian brother's and sisters who feel that any war done in the name of God is just and is blessed by God. But I feel this is wrong since this is completely opposite of what Jesus would have done.

Other wars have been done in God's name such as what Constantine did and during the Crusades, where people were forced to become Christians or they die. It hurts our reputation and that we as Christians have to tell everyone these kinds of wars do not represent us.

To understand more of how I feel, read "The Myth Of A Christian Nation" by Gregory A. Boyd. You can buy it used off Amazon for a penny in hardcover.

If you disagree with me, I'll respect that, but please try to understand my point of view.