Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Stop Lemonade Stand Shutdowns!

I decided to try something a little different, thanks that I got photoshop now!

In different parts of the U.S., lemonade stands run by kids are shut down by police because they claim they are a health safety risk or that they need a permit to sell lemonade since it's a small business. Even though most of the lemonade seems to have been bought from the store and normally kids would not add anything harmful to the lemonade.

To me it's just higher ups being on power trips and wanting to stop kids from making just a little money for themselves or someone else. They want to ruin the kids fun over petty things such as a lemonade stand instead of focusing on real problems.

Here's videos that show lemonade stands being shut down.​ch?v=mPKUUH7ytUo&NR=1​ch?v=cKiOPzdyfmk&feature=f​vst​ch?v=J9hpLaaZdaI&feature=r​elated

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